Friday, 24 April 2020

What To Do With a Guided Meditation Script? 15 Ideas and More

Alan Watts And The Art Of Meditation
If you think that there's not much that you can do with a guided meditation script, think again. Here's a list of things you can do, and it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Relax at the end of the day.
Get your mind focused for the day.
Recuperate and restore your vitality.
Get in touch with and heal the past.
Project your desires into the future and plan your path through life.
Brainstorm ideas by stepping away from mental filters.
Sharpen your intuition.
Overcome a fear.
Become a more loving person.
Eliminate mental clutter.
Get some good, old-fashioned quiet time.
Reconnect with the Divine.
Study topics by interacting with them internally.
Branch out in new directions with newfound clarity.
Bring to the surface wanted character traits and reconcile unwanted ones.
As I said, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Your guided meditation script is limited only by your creativity.

One thing that I would like to suggest is that you not go overboard with lots of different meditations. Doing so tends to garble the message. I would suggest just doing one or two a day, preferably at morining and/or at night. If you write a whole bunch of different meditations and then run through them all in the same day it probably won't have as good a result as if you used just one guided meditation script per day, or maybe two.

One neat thing about writing your own script is that you can customize the imagery. You can do a guided meditation leading you up to an event, and then another meditation to help you resolve it afterwards.

As you can see, meditation doesn't have to be some obtrusive, annoying, do-it-because-you-have-to chore. Instead, if you find or write good ones, you can use a guided meditation script to enhance just about any aspect of your life.

Over time you may find that the practice of meditation blends into your practice of life. The benefits of meditation aren't limited to certain times, and a meditative mindset isn't limited to a practiced meditation technique. Instead you reach a point where you can access your resources at will, and find that your mind is much sharper and harder to put off balance. As with any skill, it is difficult to see it develop day-by day, but start of with a guided meditation script, and check back with yourself a month or two from now and see how you are doing. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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